spauldgal Member


  • Great suggestions everyone - thank you. I hope this is also answering newday332's question. I really did not mean to take over her post. I'm new and really not sure of the protocol. I probably should have posted my own question...sorry newday332!
  • Thank you. I don't know about newday332, but I don't think I'm eating enough calories. What do you suggest as the best way to get the extra calories? I'm not sure I can stuff down any more food...protein drinks? I feel like all I ever do it eat, but maybe I need more calorie-rich foods. I know too much fruit is not good -…
  • I could use some help as well. I've been on MFP for weeks now and lost 2 pounds only to gain 1 back. I'm walking 5 miles a day (tracking it on Fitbit), eating between 1000-1200 calories a day, drinking lots of water. What is my problem? I will also be very interested in the answers to newday332's post - I need help! Thank…