

  • About to do day 5 on level 1 today. I have definitly noticed I have been less tired and out of breath, but boy am I sore from day to day Today I was randomly doing something and felt my arm and OMG I actually have a muscle!!! What!? Am very happy with my new found muscles and endurance. Going strong! :)
  • Second day on level 1 ! Even that is an accomplishment haha after how sore I was yersterday! I even went out and got three poundweights today as I had to use kidney bean cans yesterday as a stand in. Really motivated, even though it's super tough :) Keep it up everyone!
  • Gosh everyone is soon supportive. Lol I love it here Unfortunately I didn't think ahead and take before pictures, but have ran into some people I haven't seen in a while and they noticed. I did take pictures and measurements today to track my further weight loss, and I'm also starting the 30 day shred today do wanted to…
  • I have been seeing some AMAZING results on here from the 30 day shred! Congrats! I have been soo inspired, started day 1 today (oh boy was it tough!) and took all my measurements for the first time ever. Hopefully I can see some of those amazing results as well! ;)