

  • I have the same problem with sugar. My friends laugh at me when I say that I'm a candy-holic like other people might be for alcohol! They think I'm kidding, but I'm sure not. I so much as even see a commercial with gummy bears in it and I know it sets off something in my brain. I think the only way to rid ourselves of it,…
  • I completely agree with you on the protein. I had a contest with a few co-workers to lose 20 pounds in a month. I did it alright, but when I looked at my upper arms... holy moly! Goodbye muscle! It wasn't a pretty sight! Learned my lesson there.
  • I like sugar-free cereal like Spoonsize Shredded Wheat and I add Agave Nectar to it. This way, you can control how much sweet is in your cereal. Lately though, I've been eating Fage Total 0% Yogurt and adding a little bit of Raisin Bran to it. Yogurt (calciuim) is said to shrink your waistline!!!