
  • Congrats! You look great and are an inspiration for many here. I also like your attitude toward food (not "good" vs "bad"). It's also worked well for me so far. Moderation, portion size and a little discipline go a long way! You're living proof.
  • Size 38 pants. I swore to myself I would never buy a size 40. When I wasn't able to button those size 38 pants I new it was time. Frankly, it was long overdue.
  • 50 something lady who RUNS the stairmaster. The whole time she's grunting, swearing and screaming so loud it can be heard from thirty feet away over the gyms blaring music. The first time I heard her I thought she was going to die. She's a regular and when she's done she CAN"T WALK. I mean she limps out like a ninety…
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