langstonmom Member


  • I say you get it in where you can fit it in. Including doing laundry and washing dishes, as long as your heart is pumping and you still push past your limit (try carrying a massive linen load from the basement to the second floor and then run back down for more) it counts.
  • I am a divorcee. And it's tough. I know that support can come in many forms and to be honest as long as it's safe and doesn't 'cost' more than I'm willing to give I take it. It's the only way I can make it in life. Hopefully we can be'friend' one another and provide more support because this is one journey I don't really…
  • For heart health I watch saturated fat and sodium intake. I also make sure I keep the sugar within reason.
  • Once a week. Same day. Same time.
  • Hi, I'll be 41 this January. I have one son who's 4 and a very demanding job. My mission this year is to take time for me minus the guilt. Losing weight for me is not about getting 'high school skinny', I've been flirting with diabetes and heart disease for awhile now and neither likes it when you play hard to get. So it's…