oh hot affair and date deff.
hang out as friends
My bf is picky - no cheese, tomato, vegies in general. I don't eat brussel sprouts, everything else I will give a try (within reason)
Shopping and lunch?
8.5 - 9
Nothing at all.
Revenge and Pretty Little Liars
Bit of horse never kill anyone....
Love your hair!
Wish I had your tan lol ... ops for the woman above
Sure, why not?
False, The next person exercised yesterday
Go dancing? But not date sorry lolol
LOL dads doing hair :P
Again, not the right team bahahah :P
I see a bit of Christina Hendricks ... EDIT or Amy Adams
I wish, 80 kgs here
spunky punk
Rejected - only because you're female :)
I have reached my goal already. 79.3kgs today. Am I allowed to change my goal for VD? If so I might put it at 78.2 kg
Latest weigh in - 79.7 kg
New Wardrobe. New phone - my mini goal. Boudoir photo shoot for the hubby.