stallworth2002 Member


  • I never wore bikini's in my teens or early twenty's. When I started approaching 30 I bought a bikini with the boy shorts (to cover some stretch marks) and with a string top. Now that is all I wear and I love it. I guess I weighed around 140 when I started, but even at my heavest which is around 165 I still wore a bikini.
  • I am brand new too. I actually signed up a few months ago, but today is my first day logging food and exercise. Feel free to add me too. (I couldn't figure out how to add you). Best of Luck!
  • Love weight watchers. I started it in 2007 and lost over 30 lbs. In 2010, I started gaining in all back and today I'm at my pre weight watchers weight. I've been planning on starting it back all year, but kept forgetting to write down every thing I ate. Today is my first day entering my food in myfitnesspal. I'm hoping…