

  • thanks ladies, I plan to stick to 1,200 calories and use the food tracker and increase my exercise levels. Don't like weighing myself but it must be done. My sister has downloaded fitness pal onto her iphone and she recommended it to me. Feel very hopeful
  • You look wonderful. So happy and relaxed. I too am looking forward to pants that fit in a size that is not bestial or middle aged looking. I hate the shopping too, won't try things on bring them home and then feel like crap about myself if they don't fit or make me look like a beauty queen. Well done you, keep on going.
  • Right, I have not smoked for nearly 2 months. I have a 1,200 calorie daily intake. I am not a chocaholic, there is not that much that I miss and I am running my *kitten* off at the gym 3 times a week and trying to do yoga. Question 1. how come i am not madonna or gwynnies, Question 2. please do not take my last pleasure…
  • I am at the bottom of the hill again. various health problems and giving up smoking have seen me bloat out. I have a wedding in a couple of weeks, I am best woman, and want to look less like a beach ball. Enjoy exercising which is good but get very sloppy round the eating side of thingsl. I sort of forget I am eating and…
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