

  • Your evidence is orders of magnitude even less compelling. The first of those 3 links provides no scientific argument or valid scientific methodology for its "myth-busting conclusions" whatsoever. A statement such as "Many nutrition experts demonize white rice, potatoes, pasta, white bread, etc. because it's an easy rule…
  • I don't see that as Corporate "knowingly" creating an issue. In no universe are they required to give you 1 serving exactly as stated on their website of every ingredient. So their NI isn't incorrect at all. It's no different than things you buy at the grocery store -- they all give information for 1 serving.... it's up to…
  • No offense, but I'm going to trust a ground level employee who gave specific oz. sizing data for utensils over a vague commentary from a corporate phone shill in a 1:1 he said-she said. Not to mention if you read my math you'd see how 1 spoonful of all of the items wouldn't nearly make up the nutritional data provided by…
  • Sour Cream - 60% Saturated (unhealthy) Fat - In a Chipotle serving you're looking at least 30-33% of your DV for the heart-unhealthy type of fat... and if there's anything that I've noticed Chipotle tends to overdeliver on it's the sour cream. Note that a serving on Chipotle's site is 2 oz. (and we've been informed that…
  • Guys, The reason the OP is getting so much slack I suspect is because of the confirmations of the Chipotle worker later in the thread. As the employee points out, a SERVING per Chipotle (read as "the numbers we use to calculate our website-posted nutritional info") is calculated in oz. and translated to spoonfuls/spoon…
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