auntieloop Member


  • Totally hurts. I am an emotional eater, so when my marriage started having problems, I started gaining weight. It is very difficult to lose weight when you live in a constant state of stress. I have been trying to draw on the inner strength that I know is there somewhere. It is a vicious cycle - stress and emotional upset…
  • Thanks for the advice. I didn't see this before my last post. I need to change my settings so newest posts are first.
  • Is anyone concerned with the high amount of carbs and fat on this diet? I thought this was supposed to be low-fat, but with all the nuts and nut butters added to the recipes, I find that my fat count is higher than normal. Of course, I'm not eating all the processed fat-free junk. Did anyone have any problems with initial…
  • I'm in for 100 miles, since I'm just starting. Trying to get motivated again. Treated myself to a Striiv pedometer for Mother's Day and was doing great for a while, even if it meant walking in a circle around my kitchen on rainy days. This will help me keep going in the hot weather. Thanks!
  • I just started it this week. I have not been 100%, but still very close. Unfortunately, I have been steadily gaining. I'm not sure why other than eating too many nuts? I haven't been tracking my calories or following the menus laid out in the book. What I have been doing is mixing and matching the meals based upon what I…