ChrisinGA Member


  • Thanks for the ideas everyone, I do not like tuna, but I do like "like ritz crackers" sometimes eat that with something on them , stuff that's not healthy lol. We just trying to cut our sodium down now, since I have HI blood pressure. We decided to not buy any more pizza's when we go shopping, and I guess I nee to find a…
  • Thanks for the input.
  • Best luck to you, I just started watching mine and can tell its going to be very hard not to go over, i went over today I have HBP so trying to watch it.
  • I didn't know that, I take stuff for headaches all the time Guess should look at the labels, also we just decided to start watching our sodium intakes, I eat way to much stuff with a high sod. count
  • I have High BP and trying to loose weight to hopefully not have high BP anymore. I want to get my CDL's but can't with high blood pressure right now don't have money for meds for it. just want to be more healthy. BTW I am 33, found out when I was 29
  • me too, but I thought we was talking about foods
  • get you something like some grapes or oranges or something , I used to be a huge chip eater but I have cut down big time.
  • Congrats. Wish my mom would/could stop My habit is just eating so much before bedtime, i have always done it, and If I don't eat so often i get really bad headahces no one food really that I like.
  • Seems most say if you go to bed between 10pm-12 midnight then you shouldn't eat anything after say 9pm, But I do, I always have and always will, I eat all my snacks between 9pm and 1130, I know I should stop but I can't. I have try to pick better things to eat at night and don't eat as much
  • you have long legs? I only do 3.0 most of the time, and try to go 30 minutes at a time but mostly been going 15 minutes at a time. if i do it for 30 mins it says i go 1 mile.
  • Thanks for all the replys, I hate soggy also , so i eat it fast
  • we do not use the stove or oven cause there gas and we don't like gas, We have a toaster over we cook all out chicken patties, nuggets, bread sticks, garlic bread, small one person pizzas' in it, works great we also have a two burner electric stove like thing we cook things need to boil. and I have a pizza maker i cook lot…
  • You should change your username if your eating a whole box, My gf says I am bad, LOL. I eat about 2 cups at a time. a box last me three snack times I trying to cut down now however. Thanks everyone, I am surprised how many others do this also
  • Well there good chance he not taken if no ring, if he is then he just have to say so. I know I wouldn't
  • Your mirror sounds nice, Mine is not so nice to me..
  • I forgave my gf for cheating, not sure it was right thing, cause I can never forget what she done, that's the hardest part. far as the friend keep them as a ex friend. and stay away from them.
  • just eat less of everything, i used t eat chips for snacks, and used to eat half a bag with a meal look on the bag see how many say is for one meal and only eat that many. Next time you go shopping don't buy all that junk food for the kids and hubby, tell them you need support and you all should be eating better
  • is just dinner right1 he paying? I say go out to dinner and talk catch up on things you haven't caught up on in other ways. if he seems aggressive them excuse yourself. I would meet him there at the place to eat Don't let him pick you up, if he picks you up its a date. otherwise its two friends meeting for a dinner.
  • That always works, I mean if she will take to some big guy why not talk to me, I'm hotter Right.
  • Never thought of that, , we never been a mug type family lol we don't drink Coffee so. Glad I am not alone. NEtflix, I sooooo miss it, I hate being in middle of no where sometimes.
  • Some guys like that.
  • ROFLMAO, Well it is kinda nice to know that some females think the same as guys. I say that cause most females would say there at the gym to work out not to get hit on. Walk up to him and say hello.. make sure there is no ring on the important finger, I myself would love a female to approach me.
  • Everyone who is of age, is not a dope head and is not metal ill, and or to old should own a gun, if everyone had a gun them maybe they be less criminals
  • People who spend thousands on things they don't need, i really do not get. We struggle to just pay our rent, power bill, water bill, car insurance, and car payment, House phone,cell phone and internet. those alone is about $800 a month and w/o a job SUCKS. The feoncee has tons of medical bills that will never be paid for…
  • my gf wishes it was all gone, but i hate it like that so just the hanging part is non hairy the top is trimmed but still there. Girls I like all gone and she likes it like that so were good there.
  • Welcome to the site and good luck, you can do it if you really want to, the thing is here, you must Want to do it for yourself, and well you can also want to do it for your cute son, Chasing him around should help already. just watch your food and how much you eat.
  • Dude how you get your arms so cut? Nice job.
  • WOW , Nice change, how long did it take you to get there if you don't mind me asking, things like this gives me faith that my gf can loose her weight she is a lil more then what you started but hoping she can get down to where your at now or a lil less. Keep doing what your doing cause its working...
  • Diet coke and soft drinks are not healthy or they? I have cut out all soft drinks, however I do drink a glass when I have lunch with my parents, cause I can't drink water with my meals.