tish326 Member


  • Merry Meet and Brightest Blessings! My name is Tish, I consider myself an eclectic wiccan. I live in Utah, USA. Most of my neighbors are LDS, but there is a huge pagan/wiccan community here, if I had time to find them, lol. I don't get on the actual site alot, about once a week, but am always on my phones app. Feel free to…
  • 1. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? A caracter on the 70's tv show Family, the daughter Buddy's real name was Latishia 2. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? yesturday 3. WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE FOOD NOW? chinese, yes the americanized version, even though its bad for me 4. DO YOU HAVE KIDS? yes, 3 5. DO YOU KEEP ALL YOUR GIFTS OR…
  • I'm in North Ogden, Utah, USA. Anyone near me? I go to LadyFitness gym and also have a beautiful neighborhood to walk in
  • August goals: To start being within my calorie goal again each day, like i was in April and May...things got out of hand when preparing for our wedding and having my mom here for 5 weeks. To get 6-8 hours of sleep each night, instead of the 4-5 I currently get. And, finally, to make it to the gym at least 4x per week, and…
  • I do when I can log on thru my computer, but sadly that is like once every 2 weeks. I usually use my phone, they should add groups you belong to to the app. That would be so much easier!
  • Sorry, just realized that I should have done this here, lol Hi everyone!!! I am a newly married again, mother of 4 girls. My true struggle with my wieght came after I lost my youngest daughter, Dafni, due to a babysitters mistake. I ended up hitting rock bottom, I lost everything, custody of my other 3 daughters, my home,…