cccpups Member


  • I make Mujaddara all the time - lentils and rice together are a complete protein and a healthy substitute for meat. Plus it tastes good and it's easy to make.
    in Lentils Comment by cccpups February 2012
  • I am crazy for soda too, but I have managed to replace it with half seltzer half grapefruit juice! It's got a sharp, tart taste, it has bubbles, so it has everything I want. I tried mixing seltzer with other fruits but grapefruit is the only juice that does the trick for me.
  • Almond Breeze Dark Chocolate Almond Milk heated in the microwave. Tastes like melted Hershey bars - heavenly! Goya gluten free corn cookies when I need to munch, sounds horrible, tastes delightful. Two ounces of roasted unsalted peanuts, but it's hard to stop eating nuts once I get started! Sliced apples cooked in a…