Leela30 Member


  • Hey Ladies! I'm really sorry I've been MIA. With the boyfriend here and all of my finals/projects are right around the corner, I've just been really swamped. I haven't really been tracking and if anything it's all the drinking that's going to kill me. He's here for another week and then we go off to a wedding. I can't let…
  • Uhh, no loss for me. But I'm not really surprised I had a formal for my business class on friday with an open bar, So I definitely hurt myself on that one
  • Hey Ladies! I’m sitting in class waiting to present so I finally have time to actually look on the computer and don’t have to waste anymore time being away from the BF:tongue: Kandace: First of all, I LOVE your picture. You look so healthy! I’m wicked proud of you for posting this! I’ve never been on a cruise either. I’d…
  • Nola: OH?! What part of NY are you from?! I’m pretty sure that it’s been scientifically proven that carbs and sugar crave more carbs and sugar when I’m having a carb food craving, I try and go for an apple, or blueberries, something that is small and will keep my mouth and hands entertained. You’re doing all this crazy…
  • Nola & Jess: WELCOME!!!! Tara: 12 min of pure triceps! Wow! I think my arms would fall off after 5 lol. Potlucks are impossible to track, but do your best and try and scope out what's the best food options there. You can always just eat whatever you brought! AFM: sorry I'm taking over with my BF situation. The gym doesn't…
  • I'm trying to lose the last 10-15lbs. They aren't budging at all for me!
  • McBody - Wow that is so scary! I'm really glad the finally decided to look at your heart and will not have you on the right medication that will help. And I really like the new profile pic! Kandace: I hope you had a great BBQ! It may seem too soon, but it could be the medication. Those things are strong and serious stuff,…
  • I gained a pound. back up to 140.5 (about original start). I think last week's loss was just lucky timing. I've worked out MORE and even ate LESS this week and yet I gained. :noway: BUT GO GRYFFINDOR!
  • Yeah, I step on mine at least 3 times to get the most commonly showed weight. That's actually a good idea to have 2 scales, I think mine is very forgiving. When I weighed in at the school's scale, I weighed 10lbs more (well that was in the middle of the day after I already had at least 2 meals), but I can't imagine a 10lbs…
  • Um, I just make sure I don't eat and go to the bathroom before hand.. and take off some clothes.. I don't need any extra weight! HAHA. Oh and I try not to weigh first thing in the morning, I weigh in usually about 15 min-30min after I wake up and then go eat breakfast.
  • Updating from Friday posts: Allie – great job not weighing yourself.. each step along the way is an accomplishment. I’m sorry to hear you got sick, that will really ruin a good run, especially your fastest timing! But HEY!, you got a 5k from that, so something good still came from in! Natalie – Awesome job getting into the…
  • Hey lovely ladies! Sorry, I'm heading out to work so I won't really be on for today, busy schedule as usual, so I just wanted to say great job everyone! I am seeing a lot of positive posts! Happy Friday!
  • Once again, there are certain things you CAN'T eat, I would never assume that a label is clear and is universal.. because it's not. If for certain health reasons you can't eat anything, I would make sure that people know those restrictions if you know you are eating over there. Never expect anyone to know what you mean by…
  • In regards to the labels, the only people who what I eat, are myself, family, and friends. Most people don't take the effort to call it pescatarian (what I am) because then you have to explain the whole darn story. If you have dietary restrictions it is just much easier to give a list of what you can't eat then give the…
  • vegetables vegetables vegetables! And fake meat - Morning star is a must in my opinion and Tofurky makes the best sausage like things from soy. Just add vegetables to everything, rice, quinoa, pasta! Make a mushroom burger instead, or.. hmm no beans of any kind? that is going to be hard.. so I'd say lots of fish for…
  • holy updates batman! AFM: before I start all these replies. My schedule for today. Read for class as much as I can > Cardio Dance class > getting in my upper body workout (I usually do this tuesday, but my back was super sore from monday, still not at the best, but better) > group meeting to finish a project (if our prof…
  • HHA My family used to call me thunder thighs.. I HATE THEM! lol
  • Jennelle: I LOVE this QOTD! What a great idea! Thank you for creating this. We've seemed to all have gotten to the point where we are needing extra motivation, this would really be great to read and to help everyone remember we are all beautiful. physical: my eyes. It's not really that motivation to me, but it's the one…
  • I got the Polaris 7S or something like that. Idk my 'rents had a coupon for it so that works for me! I looks like a good one! I have a general idea of what my heart-rate is depending on my exhaustion rate, but I really want it more to track my calorie burn :)
  • MAN! I KNOW I wrote a reply on this thread at around 7:00 EST. I guess I never hit post? Well I'm too far down the line to be replying that far back now. lol. I'm only home for a moment to get my stuff for class and pack a dinner... pbj? lol I'll have my laptop in class because it is wicked boring.. Darn, I wish my post…
  • Alright, so we didn't win this round, and maybe even came in last, BUT that just means we are going to lose more next week! LETS GET THEM!!! ROAR!!
  • This sounds like a fantastic idea! Thanks!
  • I've been munching on frozen blueberries when I'm up late studying
  • meag: I glad you had yourself a great weekend and even splurged a little while saving money on a really cute dress and some whey protein! Summer dresses are the best! I haven't had a picnic in such a long time, that sounded like such a great idea! Jennelle: My HRM is in the mail right now! I'm so excited to finally have…
  • bump
    in Whey Protein Comment by Leela30 May 2011
  • I think I'm pretty healthy. My main source of food is frozen veggies and fresh organic fruit. :)
  • just adding on more people!
  • looby1958 : SW= 183lbs // CW = 180.5lbs // LOSS: = 2.5 halina20: SW = 115lbs // CW = 114.4 // LOSS: = 0.6 Navvs17: SW = 169.2 // CW = 165.8. // LOSS = 3.4 Marcia36: SW = 197.5 // CW = 195 // LOSS = 2.5 Leela30: SW = 140 // CW = 139.5 // LOSS = 0.5 mommyof3texans: SW = 135.0 // CW 134.2 // LOSS = 0.8 lb MissKMN: SW = 252 //…
  • Rachel: Great quote! You better get some sleep! Your body is dying for some energy and time to re-cooperate. I have a tendency to go for more carbs when I'm tired. Try and get a few breaks in when you can with water or an orange to keep your mouth entertained.
  • Meag: That brought me to tears! Thank you. I know that we can't fight our genetics, but I guess I cant help but try. I know I'm healthy, and that I'm definitely not fat, but I guess I have to stop judging myself (HUGE problem of mine). I know we all struggle with just loving ourselves. It's horrible, that so many of us do…