

  • what diet are we talking about here? reducing calorie intake on a normal diet shouldnt be producing these feelings considering people only cut between 500-800 calories however if it was a keto diet youd be entitled to complain about the first few days going into ketosis (sore head, weakness etc) but its so worth it as…
  • sam cutting your calories by 500 a day will not have drastic effects, at that rate youll lose 1lb a week without exercise. if you are 308lbs i suggest a more drastic diet plan which would be lifechanging for you. a keto plan would benfit you much more and would lose over a stone in two weeks. avoid carbs ie bread, pasta,…
  • more bullshine... you do lost fat and like in my previous post i said my wife lost 12st on a ketodiet 12st of water???? read up PROPERLY before casting oppinion. I also myself lost around two stone. BODY BUILDERS USE KETO DIETS TO LOSE FAT AND REDUCE FAT PERCENTAGE AND THATS HOW THEY GET 'RIPPED' SO TO SUGGEST ITS JUST…
  • DEEDEE was talking rubbish... for a start you are NOT allowed chewing gum in ketosis. For a total allowed foods list search google... I have done keto diets like lipotrim, slim and save and exante and they all work they are all hard! and you can keep the weight off if you following the refeeding plan after where you eat…
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