heronh Member


  • "Another person's beauty is not an absence of your own" Embrace your uniqueness instead of trying to conform to what the media is shoving down our throat in what they perceive as "beauty". Men don't have to be cut and women don't have to be thin/big boobs/booty etc Just be healthy and happy :)
  • Kevin, i can't even imagine how your must be feeling. Stay strong and healthy. John, congrats on your success and do keep us updated. So cool about your bodybuilder friend! Where's the before and after shots? Howie, I don't drink much nowadays but when I go out, I tend to have a couple glasses of red wine. I think it's…
  • Howie, that sucks about your car. The day that we got broken in, we had our dogs with us and I felt thankful. Our dogs are extremely friendly I mean seriously friendly and not even territorial, but nonetheless on the bigger side and I thought what if they decided to hurt the dogs? :s How's your biking going?
  • Good Morning, be kind to yourself and don't compare yourself to body shop image that the media has been force feeding us. Embrace your uniqueness!
  • Cynthia, you don't need a prescription and I got it on Amazon http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00Y34E9ZQ?psc=1 I had a carb nite, it wasn't planned nut I just wanna eat and my fasting glucose was 99!! Carol, its probably water retention why don't you try going ULC for a week and see if your pants fits better, that way at least…
  • N for Nsync :p and No doubt
  • I am gonna do the "right" thing. Arturo is taking to a company dinner, I know the restaurant, looked up the menu and pre planned. It's hard for me to turn down house made fresh pasta but I really feel like dessert so instead of pasta and bread I opted for wine and a lower carb dessert.
  • John, Arturo has that reaction if the meal was just straight protein and low fat. Today I had a little body image issue, it happens, but I acknowledge it, think rationally and positively and moved on.
  • Amy I love what you said "The more I'm able to love myself as I am, the more I genuinely admire the beauty in others without making comparisons to others." So true. Comparisons stems from insecurities, it's one thing so strive to be better and another to constantly make comparisons.
  • John, I think it's great that you are approaching the competition in such a positive way. And I'm sure next year you'll improve. And very cool with your co worker! Can't wait to see the pictures! Keep us updated on the ALTSHIFT. I'm doing great! I've lost a few stubborn lbs and thanks to the glucometer I've found out that…
  • $20 for a vegan "sausage" sandwich and coffee is a ripoff!!!!
  • Thanks Carol. Even though I "log in" I don't log my foods everyday :p Happy Sunday. Here's a quote to remind everybody that we are all different and beautiful! To stop comparing and be kind to ourselves!
  • Amy, so happy that you've found the path to a healthy lifestyle! Yay! And double yay for the pull up! That's been my Goal. Thanks for the compliment ;) DebSue, I am a sucker for 80s music as well. For J its Gotta be Journey!!
  • Fact based health and nutrition information. Sometimes you have change things up to get things going again and the last thing you want is eating rice crackers and low fat because you were using old and outdated debunked information.
  • Indigo Girls!!!! Am I the only one that likes them, John thanks for telling us about the protocol.
  • Kris thanks for the kind words. Awe shucks. I don't think I have a handle on things, I'm just like you, learning. And this is why I love this community we learn together. Hugs! I agree Abel James is easy to listen and he's easy on the eyes as well hehe. Try the HRM before you eat the sensitive food, measure your heart rate…
  • Amy, I don't know if I've said welcome to the group by anyways, welcome!! John, you are such a trooper! Hope that you'd remember to rest. Carol, it's nice to hear your new workouts! WTG! Kris go for it! Get up the nerves! I mean what's the worse that could happen? Don't expect anything and you'll have fun. Sometimes I wish…
  • I'm sick, sinus infection.
  • Hi all love reading the updates! last week and this week have been off for me. I am still doing the squats though. My back is getting better as well. Debsue I watched Aerosmith performed and they are awesome! Diet has been the same, I'm planning on taking some progress pictures end of next week.
  • Howie, twice a month is expensive! At the rate you are going maybe you should just buy in bulk. Lol riding a bike for me is already unconfortable, I can ever. Imagine how it is for a guy. I've spoken to cyclists and they said they experimented with different shorts/seats and you'll get used to it. Sounds like a fun party.…
  • Susan, glad to see you back. Howie, changing tires because is kind of a good problem. That means you are riding!! Yay. John, I did all 3 as well. But Javelin was my favorite. I was pulled from a PE class to join track, they wanted me to be a sprinter but I wasn't fast enough ended up doing middle distance then was pulled…
  • Carol: Love the pictures, congratulations! Yes the yoga is helping. I'm glad that you are not focusing on the last 10lbs. Life is too short to stress about trying to achieve perfection. We should all strive to achieve health, happiness and gratitude. Check out this page, very inspiring and real.…
  • Still doing yoga and body weight exercise. No change in the scale I've been stuck at the 172-178 range for 6months. On the plus side, I've been consistently on the lower 170s so we'll see how the eating more works out. Tonight we are going to a friend's granddaughter college send off party. It's at a pizza place, but they…
  • Howie, you gots this! I am slowly upping my calories, I think i am off in My TDEE? It's more of a last ditch resort. I've been eating avg 1500k for a while now and nothing has budge and after doing several online calculator saying I should eat around 1800-2000 I'm going to up it. I think I've lost weight 1.5years ago…
  • Man, I am tight! I don't remember ever being this tight. I see more yoga in my near future.
  • Angela, that's great, swimming is I think the best exercise! Howie, I really enjoy seeing pictures of your route. And you've been doing so good on your rides!! Whoop whoop! Keep at it. John, That's great that CN is working for your friend. Look forward to seeing the pictures. I I did watch the video but I guess the message…
  • DebSue, way to hit your goal by 50! Sigh size 4/6 my ultimate goal. I am a little sore today,was thinking of doing a kettlebell workout but decided against it, just because I think I can complete a workout doesn't mean I should, that's how I got into so many troubles. Instead, I'm going to do Yoga later.
  • Yay already lost my weekend weight! I am really liking my new IF LC WOE. It's nice not to stress about macros per meal. I don't know why carb nite stopped working for me. Something probably changed. But I am still kinda embracing Kiefer's teaching of insulin. Right now this is what I'm trying. Long walk yesterday, I was on…
  • Yeah Jen! You can do it! I don't do 150 like John :p but I've been sneaking in squats and leg raises throughout the day when I remember. Since yesterday no migraines( only a headache that was easily dealt with)! Who hoo! Gonna do my kettlebell later and because I wrote it here, now I have to do it. Hehe Slipped up during…
  • Carol, love your beach pictures! And don't worry about the shadows lol Howie, yay! For another day of biking! John, as usual great workout. I was plagued with hormonal migraines for THREE days.. not fun. The kind that it hurts so much that tears just stream down uncontrollably. Today is the first day that I have no more…