florory Member


  • I lost 25 lb and followed this... http://www.amazon.co.uk/Neris-Indias-Idiot-Proof-Diet-From/dp/0141027436/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1332109607&sr=8-1 Unlike Atkinsm there are stages where you gradually re-introduce good carbs. The weight has stayed off for me.
  • Weigh yourself and then remember that you'll never weigh this much again.
  • My favourite from the IPD cook book is the tarragon chicken. Also, if you like giant portobello type mushrooms, those with the gills scooped out and filled with role cheese/boursin and philli and peppers and courgette and toasted under the girl is delicious and ready in minutes! My DH (who is doing this too and has lost…
  • Hello! Mini sausages and Babybel are lifesavers. I wish I liked nuts but they make me gag! Am stalling a bit here, but not gaining so I am ok with it.
  • I have gone down from a tight 36 to the smallest hook on a 34 and from an FF to an E which is a wee bit gapey at the top. Have stopped breastfeeding too though, so there may be a bit of that also.
  • No carbs, I have lost 12 lb in two weeks. Worth a try!