:happy: oh my... YES! just finish them family!!!!
the box of christmas chocolates sitting on top of the fridge (hidden but i know it's there) that is open and taunting me everytime i walk past.
i quit smoking and looked the other way for a year.
3-4 times. I try to make breakfast and lunch my big meals and have a glorified snack for tea. little nibbles on fruit or ryvita crackers throughout the day if im peckish, drinking water helps. I find if i have a good breakfast and lunch then i dont tend to snack as much. Especially if im going for a run in the afternoon.
2 x mcflurry icecreams in 20 mins, then a third 2 hours later. icecream has always been my comfort food, when i was teenager i would eat 2litre tubs of vanilla icecream and add to it an entire bag of choc-chips. i would always keep at least 2 bags of choc chips handy incaase i ran out during the icecream eating. now i…