

  • I'm doing a combination. I'm doing a LCHF (low carb, high fat) diet which has been shown to improve weight loss significantly and appears to be the new 'thing' in weight loss. I'm doing that in combination with MFP due to the exercise allowances I'm given as I'm doing a lot of exercise too. It seems to be going ok for me…
  • I'm extremely obvious!!! Debsilou - Debsilou Denz100plus - Denz CountryMummy - CountryMum CarleyBarley - CarleyBarley Goat1976 - Goat Megcsx2 - Meg Mooloogirl1 - Chocoholic Mumm
  • hello everyone - i'm debsilou on EBB too. I've just joined this and am playing with it - should be good. I used something similar last year and lost quite a bit but put quite a bit back on when I got lazy in the last half of last year..... Had better get my a into g this year though!!