nellie_579 Member


  • I do weight training 3 times a week and my pb for deadlifts is 100kgs (about 220lbs) I am by no means muscley at all, just lean and toned. I think the only way you would get 'bulky' is by also dramatically changing your diet. I recommend hitting the weigts, i lose wieght more consistantly when i do! (Was 140kg (308ish lbs)…
  • Have you tried Physio for your ankle? Maybe take it easy but try just upper body exercises till your ankle feels better and variations of exercises, maybe crunches etc? You don't have to be running to exercise!
  • My first piece of advice would be have you spoken with your doctor? Get a full checkup and perhaps blood work done to make sure there is nothing that needs to be addressed medically. Second, be sensible. Most people need to eat a minimum of 1200 calories a day to just have healthy brain and body functions. Don't think you…
  • ^this, I am an E cup and i have to wear a normal bra and a sports bra, and then i wear a tight top to help keep them still too
  • I also have an issue with eating my 1200, however, if i am eating lower calorie recipies i can usually have a side of something a little higher in cals (or more of it) and I find that i am eating more often, which boosts my metabolism.
  • I eat air popped popcorn once a day as a snack - its low in calories and is enough to keep me feeling full until my next meal.