

  • my two week challenge. loose around 5 pounds and try to loose 2-3 inches, quit smoking completely, not just cutting back to a few a day and start to feel more comfortable at the gym!!! what about you guys!
  • Im at 160 and 5'5. I have about 150-25 lbs to go to reach my goal and i need the support to get there!!!! I gained about 10 back from the 60 I have already lost and now it is time to tone up and get my crap together for summer! Whats the realistic date for the challange
  • New to this. tried it before... always seen to forget about it. I lost about 60lbs and gained back about 10. I have about 25 lbs to go now.. Looking for tips and support it didnt seem to hard the first time aroudn. I dont no how to add people so add me!