marilyn07 Member


  • I will be your fitness buddy. I also need motivation and someone to push me. I am currently walking every morning about 5 miles. I got a Fitbit and it has really helped to keep me focused. I like to push myself to get more steps each day. Marilyn
  • Hello, I would love to join your group. Need the motivation and camaraderie on this weight loss journey. Been a member of MFP for a long time with lots of ups & downs. REALLY sticking to it this time! I have been eating right and logging everything for the past 6 weeks. I also purchased a Fitbit Flex and walk 5 miles every…
  • Hi, I am 57! Why is it that we fall off the wagon so often. . .I need to pull myself back up and forge on. My son is getting married this July and I want to be one svelte looking Mother-of-the-Groom! Help! Today begins my new journey. Marilyn
  • I want to join too! I am over 50 and have four grandchildren ( 5, 3, 9 mo & 3 wks). I am restarting AGAIN after letting things go for too long. Tomorrow is my day to be back at it! I am sticking to 1200 calories and at least 50 mins. exercise 5 days a week. I would love to be friends with all of you and talk weight loss,…
  • Hi Kassy, Nice to meet you too! I play golf usually a couple times a week, but not as much since it has been so hot lately. I am fairly new to the game since we moved here a year ago. Our neighborhood has a ladies group that plays every Friday morning and then I will go out with other friends too. We love living here! But…
  • I've done South Beach with some success, but when you go back to eating normally then it all comes back. It just isn't realistic for me to cut out carbs so I believe it is all about moderation. I am more mindful of the carbs I am eating and try to limit them, but will not deprive myself again. It should be a lifestyle…
  • I am in! SW: 182 GW:148 Thanks! Marilyn
  • Can others join in this group? Would love to be one of the Pin-Up Girls! ~Marilyn
  • I just joined today too. Time to make a lifestyle change that lasts. Good Luck ! ~Marilyn