

  • I wish this site had a Favorites button so that I can read this at my low points which might as well be daily it seems. :wink: Thank you for sharing. It is nice to have people like you with courage and thoughtfulness to share with the rest of us and inspire us to do the same. Way to go on your achievement!!! You may have…
  • I struggle at getting motivated once I get home but MWF, I do my 30 elliptical and Tues and Thurs is pilates. It can get very boring at times so I started adding Zumba and my workout video for the Xbox 360 Kinect. It can break the cycle and I work different muscles which is key to your workout routine. I also have small 10…
  • I would recommend a combination of Pilates and some form of cardio that gets your heart beat up. Alternate them so you focus on your muscles, mainly your core (pilates term for stomach) and then give them a rest and do some cardio, run, jumping jacks, eliptical etc. You can't just do situps. You will gain muscle from…
  • I agree with the take it easy, maybe even some light exercise during those days. You can also try really hard to just eat right and stay within your calorie range so that you don't, at the least, gain wieght. On another note, I was reading responses and now I can't keep chocolate out of my head. I think that will be my…
  • I have realized that when people say that, it may be because they really do think you look fine the way you are. But as far as a response, especially to the ones with the "stank" face response, just tell them, for health reasons, it would best for you. Unless they are a doctor, there is nothing they can say to that. But I…