

  • The scale can often be the root of a problem (mentally). you should weigh yourself 1st thing in the morning once in a week. This should give you a more accurate reading with some history behind you. 3 weeks is nothing for time, although not to be discounted, the tone in your post was that you where frustrated already. Get…
    in HELP!!! Comment by batc April 2009
  • if you raise the treadmill to a level 2 or 3 it will take the presure of the front shin, most treadmills are on a pitch forward putting strain on the front of your legs/shins
    in couch to 5k Comment by batc March 2009
  • Thank you so much.
    in couch to 5k Comment by batc March 2009
  • If you would, please tell me where I can see this program "couch to 5K" Thanks, Ken
    in couch to 5k Comment by batc March 2009
  • like this board, most all people who go to the gym are helpfull. Most all have the same reasons as you may. Why would you be ashamed of taking a step to correct what you dont like about your health and or life. Look at who this is fore. YOU, nobody else, why would you even think about what other people thought. This is one…
    in ashamed... Comment by batc March 2009
  • I have been watching my calorie in-take (2000 a day) and commiting to 1 hour a day exercise (1000 min. burn) since Jan.2,09 and have lost 38 pounds. I often dont even use all my calories (avg 1600 a day) It truly is about accountability, If you eat what you burn after you work out plus your daily calories your results may…
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