brutusman Member


  • I don't know if I would call them "cheat days", but on the weekends, I do not track my food and exercise intake as diligently as I do during the week. My weekends are much less structured than the weekdays and a lot of times I just forget to even login to MFP. If I have a couple of beers, or we go to a party or a cookout,…
  • Cass, Its easier said than done, but try experimenting a bit with the daily calories. If you are starving that is not good. For me, proteins and foodsa little higher in fats keep me from getting hungry and blowing my whole day on a pigout. You have obviously been successful, just need to adjust your plan a bit to get you…
  • Like a lot of folks already mentioned, I try to plan it into my day. Heading to a basketball game this evening, so I already included a snack bar run into my calories for the day. Also added in another short cardio session for insurance. Everyone is different, so give it a try and see what works for you.