

  • This is the exact opposite of what MFP recommends. The whole principle of MFP is net calorie intake. If your base is 1200, and you do 500 calories worth of exercise, then you should eat 1700 calories. You will still be losing the same amount of weight if you only ate 1200 and did no exercise (with the added gain of…
  • This is wrong, and possibly dangerous, I'm afraid. Your body needs energy to sustain itself, and if you don't eat back exercise calories then the body won't be able to do so. A 1200 calorie NET means just that. If you do 500 calories worth of exercise, you'd now need to eat 1700 to net at 1200 (1700 - 500 = 1200). If you…
  • Just to add - looking at your profile pic it looks like you don't need to lose any weight at all! You look fantastic :-)
  • Your net calorie goal of 1200 is already designed for you to lose wait. If you were to change your settings on MFP to not lose weight, then you would likely have a much higher goal (say around 2000). If you do 600 calories worth of exercise, you will need to eat 1800 to net at 1200. This will still result in you losing…
  • App developers generally like to get paid for their work :-)
  • Scottish - 27 - same goals as you! Feel free to add me
    in Europeans? Comment by m0ns00n March 2012
  • Getting fit and losing weight are two different things! I'd consider 'fit' as having good strength, stamina and endurance. In order to do this you'd need to combine strength training and cardio exercise, which means you will NEED carbs. As salxtal has commented, you are probably looking for a more defined body, rather than…
  • What height and weight are you just now? What did you put down as your goal (e.g. lose 1lb per week)? Also, making your diary public will make it easier for people to provide more helpful feedback.
  • Did you not get the Wii Fit Plus game with the new balance board? It has additional exercises/games and all are unlocked by default. You can even create custom workouts (e.g. a combination of yoga and strength exercises) that will run one after the other without having to manually select them from the menu.
  • I think 'take out' and 'low calorie' are mutually exclusive! My plan is to be under my calorie goal during the week, so I can afford a take out at the weekend. Alternatively, go for a 10k run after work ;-)
  • 1 pound is virtually nothing, and you shouldn't worry about it. Your weight can fluctuate quite a lot over the course of a day, due to a number of various factors. Try and weigh yourself just once a week - that way you won't notice these daily fluctuations.