meg143k Member


  • That is so great! I am on Level three and its kicking my butt lol. Keep up the great work, its worth it to me, I have been able to tell the difference(even if its hard to finish everything).
  • I agree, I use to make excuses because I do work full time and have three kids under 5 so I would always say there is no time. But I love this video because of the length of time it is and I am actually seeing great results which is super exciting. I am also on level 3 and I will have to admit I have to take some breaks…
  • Great, thats why I went ahead and posted them because I know a lot of people on here were wanting to give it a try. I will tell you though the first week I did gain weight for awhile. I thought I was drinking a lot of water before, but I decided to increase it to see if maybe it would help and by the end of level I, the…
  • I felt the same, I hit 149 a few times and every time I do I jump straight back into the 150s again. So I am hoping this pushes me over that bump. I am so happy that I could help you!
  • I started with no strength with this workout so it was very hard at the beginning but if you push through it, it does get more manageable (mind you I didn’t say always easier :smile: ). I hope you enjoy it, I did take pictures that I will post at the very end because I hope to motivate others to finish the 30 days as…
  • Bump, I just started to see little changes, I'm 24 days in, I can't wait for the clothes to fit differently!!!
  • That's great! I am on day 20 today and its hard work so don't give up because its well worth it. I wish you the best!!!!
  • Hey I just wanted to say its very hard to stay motivated, you have to really want it. I am on day 20 of the 30 day shred (last day of level 2 :-)) and I am personally seeing great results and loving it. I as well have thyroid problems which are a bummer but if you want it and make this part of your life then you will see…