

  • Great article x
  • Hi I'm Deni. 60 years old and English but retired to Portugal. I find this a really good site. It's taught me that it's all about portion control. I love creating my own recipes (please feel free to add me and look at them). I'm loosing the weight slowly but am still enjoying the foods I love (just smaller portions!!). I…
  • Ok I found it (I knew it would be there)...... Sort of obvious that it would be under Food...... as Database. Slowly finding my way around all the great info.
  • Hi I'm new to the site also and find it amazing and so encouraging. I would like to know though is there a way to access a database of food without having to enter each food individually. I may not be having enough potassium for example and would like to look up foods that would give me more of this in my diet. (It's…