richardson1965 Member


  • I bought zumba for the Wii and it's great. In the one I bought it came with a belt that you put your controller in and that's all you need. You don't need the balance board. Just need some room to move around and have fun. It's tough and I don't get all the steps perfect but it's a change from going to the gym. I just make…
  • I can tell you my personal experience. I am supposed to eat 1200 calories a day and was exercising like a crazy woman and not eating back my calories. Then I couldn't lose anymore weight and actually gained another 1.5 pounds. Then I actually started eating all my calories including the ones from exercising and low and…
  • I tried the Zumba 2 for the Wii last night and loved it! I did it for 40 mins and burned just over 300 calories. It was fun and different than going on a machine. Nice to mix it up a bit.