kistinbee Member


  • No other exercises right now as my two girls keep my busy, but I do love to run when the weather is nice outside (I have an excellent double jogging stroller!) But it's pretty cold now for my 7 month old, so probably not too much more running until the Spring.
  • Well...four days are under my belt! Today will be day 5...the crazy aching is gone now (day 2 and 3 are the worst!) but I do feel it in my abs still, which is good! Only 3 more level 1 workouts...then onto level 2! YAY! I love how I feel when I'm doing this and motivated...and I'm been doing fairly well eating well also!…
  • will be day 4 level 1! Woo!! So glad to have my motivation back!! :)
  • Sophie...I was bad and didn't get exact stats last time I did I was doing other things at the same time. I was running 3-4 times a week (usually about 2 miles) plus doing Shred and then Ripped in JM Yoga Meltdown and her ab workouts...mixed it up a lot...but I lost about 30 pounds and went from a size…
  • Hi gals! My name is Kristin and I just started Shredding again (I've done it before) on two days under my belt and today will be day 3. I've had great results with this before, as well as other JM workouts. I'm just now getting back into exercising since having my second daughter last April and am SO…
  • Wanted to give you a few more details... As you know, I had a planned c-section. April 4th we were expected at the hospital at 6AM. I set my alarm for 4:15...I wanted to be sure to get in a nice long shower and shave my legs, since I wouldn't be able to do that again for a while. After my shower, I woke my husband and he…
  • Well...I am excited to finally post on this board! :) Although my birth story is rather boring. I had a planned c-section. April 4th we were expected at the hospital at 6AM. I set my alarm for 4:15...I wanted to be sure to get in a nice long shower and shave my legs, since I wouldn't be able to do that again for a while.…
  • I have another daughter! Reagan Jane arrived April 4th at 8:17 AM. 6 pounds 9 ounces and 19 inches long We are completely in love! I'll post more details when I can! Kristin
  • Good morning! Happy Tuesday gals! Kelley...Kadence's basket has the following: a big sister book (found it at target...they have big brother ones too), a small barbie (the littlest sister Kelly), a tin with sparkly princess lip glosses, pink sunglasses, a ballerina cup with lid, a coloring packet with crayons, a cone of…
  • Morning ladies! Well...TWO days until C-day! I can't believe it!!! Had a super busy weekend...put together the bassinet, finished hospital bag and Kadence's bag, washed all our bedding, did some more baby laundry, organized and got some pictures hung in the kids room, cleaned the basement and play area, had a birthday…
  • Morning ladies! Man! I am exhausted today! SO happy that it's Friday! I got my Moby in the mail yesterday, and I must say it's going to take me a while to get it figured out! SO much material! :) Plus I'm super fat at the moment, so can't get it tied tight enough. Hope it works for me! I get closer and closer to…
  • Good morning mommas! Rachel...sending good baby vibes your way! Let's hope you go in today!!! Kelley...I have not woken up on my tummy, but I agree with should be fine. Tara...have you played with the Moby yet? I should be getting mine in the mail today...can't wait to try it! AFM: Had my last check up…
  • Good morning ladies! Kelley...that's a good idea having someone come help. I will still be having Kadence go to her in-home daycare two days a week...she loves it there with all her friends...and I have to pay for two days a week to keep her spot anyways. So that will help out a lot. My husband will drop her off in the…
  • Just ordered my Moby Wrap! SO excited!!! :)
  • Kristi...I would try Target, Walmart, and Babies R Us...a lots of times they're from one of those! :) Just go in and tell them you didn't get a gift receipt but are pretty sure it's from there. I did that with some of my stuff last time...and I think most of it was from Target. Good luck!
  • Good morning ladies! Well I had a VERY busy weekend! I have taken the "Nesting Instinct" to a whole new level! We had been working on fixing up our basement (it has been a disaster for a few years) and I scrubbed the floors, deep cleaned everything, and now have a nice looking area! I seriously am surprised I didn't put…
  • Hi ladies! Wow...time is flying! I still can't believe I only have two more weeks until c-day! Trying to get things done around the house and at work. Been SO busy and my body is regretting it! Swollen feet have made their appearance now...and I'm SO exhausted by the end of the day it's unreal. But...two more weeks...I can…
  • Hey gals! Quick check in. Still busy with our office move. I can't believe baby will be coming two weeks from tomorrow! CRAZY! And I still have plenty to do! But we have been making major progress at home. Basement is almost done...big play area for Kadence now which is great! Also have the office fixed...still need to…
  • Yep...working up until the day I go in for my c-section OR I go into labor...whichever comes first! :)
  • Morning gals! No time to catch up with everyone but I wanted to check in quick! We're moving offices at work so I will be crazy busy this week and next, so I may not be on here so much. Doctor appointment yesterday...1 cm dilated, happy baby--heart rate was 146. 3 weeks from tomorrow is c-day! Hoping baby just stays put…
  • Wow....glad to see people are talkative today! Sarah...Yes, I have some crazy mood swings! I find myself getting frustrated REALLY easily...and I hate it because I'm that way with my daughter also...and I'm not usually like that. I have to really watch myself! Of course it's my poor husband I take it out on the most, and…
  • Good morning gals! Kelley...have fun at the park today! Wish it was nicer here!'s to hoping for a due date baby!!! Kristi...hmm...haven't experience the dill pickle smell...too funny! Well...I had some weird chest pains last night...had me kind of worried. They went away though. I'm thinking the baby is just so…
  • Denise...sorry to hear about the struggles at home. Kadence was a bit jaundice as well and so we had more frequent visits with the pediatrician at first. Prayers coming your way! And congrats again! Kelley...I'm guessing the bitter taste is just due to uterus cramping everything now...I've had that seems like it…
  • Good morning! nice to hear from you! Glad you are adjusting to mommyhood and are doing well. Can't wait to hear all of Parkers birth story! But congratulations again! Kelley...Yes, I was really excited that my mom had kept my crib in such nice condition, and it's so solid. I know there are a few features on…
  • Okay baby...come on!! I would try and jog, just a tiny bit. With Kadence we were running late to a wedding and we literally jogged into the water broke that night! Just a thought... Good luck!!
  • Kelley... Yes, the kids will be in the same room. We have a small house and it's our only option. Yes, Kadence has moved to a "big girl" bed...she's been in it for a while already and loves it! Seriously, the first night we set it up I had to bribe her to stay awake and she still ended up going to bed at like 6:30 she was…
  • Good afternoon! Tara...WOW, you were busy! It's always a great feeling to get a lot accomplished! Now-a-days I'm kind of wishing I had gotten some things done earlier. I seriously made a check list for each weekend until the baby comes! And it's always a challenge to get everything done with a toddler as I'm sure you know!…
  • Ah!!!!! Denise!!! SO exciting!!!!! Sending good wishes your way!!!
  • Yes, it's nice to have one. It's hard to communicate things when you are in labor as your mind is focusing on the actual labor. So something written out is great! But it is so important to be prepared for things to go differently. I had a whole birth plan written out when I was pregnant with Kadence, but when her heart…
  • You ladies make quite the list! One thing I would add to bring is a nursing cover...if you have a lot of visitors, it's nice to be able to cover up and nurse without making them leave all the time...just a suggestion. And the Boppy pillow is on my list too...I wish I had known to bring mine last time! Would have made…