julebird Member


  • You look wonderful! Way to be brave! I'm at the beginning of my journey and you give me inspiration. You've gotten this far--and been strong! Now you can just gear up for that final push and be ready just in time for shorts and tank tops! This summer is going to be awesome--you are so much lighter! Hiking, biking, the sky…
  • This is the first group that I've joined--I think....is this considered a group or is it just a thread on the message boards? I'm not sure how this all works--I want to keep track of everybody's posts--but I am hopelessly confused. Do I just keep clicking back on the original thread?
  • Do you have room for one more in this group? You all seem to be in a similar spot to me--and in the same age range! Would love to give some support and need some folks to help me with accountability....:smile: My goals--get up early to exercise (5:00 a.m); 6 days a week of exercise; stay under calorie allowance; believe…
  • Great question! I'm always looking for new music too--these are my current favorites. My kids help me find new stuff--and update my playlists for me. Drive In Drive Out--Dave Matthews Jerk It Out --Caesars Home--Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros