She really likes these chat room things lol
tshirt, sweat pants, hoodie and at least 3 blankets... And 2 pillows. Hot right? XD
Pj's all day
You're awesome! :)
Coffe & cuddled... Then sleep lol
Hm... @tat2cookie .... 3. true! Maybe? lol! 1. I have 3 kids 2. I am fluent in 3 languages 3. I hate chocolate
But you want too! Nope.
Christina Ricci
Robbing fanny packs in roller skates...leading to a high speed chase on horseback.
I am watching House of Cards... on my way to Starbucks or better yet, at starbucks reading randomness on reddit with my beloved iced coffee...
the original Japanese - Iron Chef ;)
8 :)
Having the most random things happen to me lately. First thing was, came up over a hill driving and nearly hit a hawk eating a dead thing. Hawk didn't even flinch. Second thing, random girl got into my car today before realizing she didn't know me. Last thing, saw an old guy standing shirtless in the grass outside of a…
Nope... such a random question lol
so pretty!
German? Shot in the dark... Hard to see :)
Well, today i managed not to hit a hawk eating a dead thing in the middle of the road with my car. The hawk didnt even flinch.
I dont know anyone! :/
Sure could! Beast right here! ;) ... Idk if i could beat a 5 year old.... Let one anyone else
Season 3 is out! ;)
It was 30 degrees here today which felt amazing! Cant wait for spring!
23 hour drive... Such a long drive... I forget how many miles
peaky blinders House of cards Vikings (technically on amazon)
Being loud and way to drunk walking down the street! lol
Lol, you're over thinking. One night stand if I get to pet the kitty! haha!
Starbucks iced coffees... or coffee anything... cake. (so... we'll just sum it up by saying any and all carbs lol)
warm weather! Jealous....