

  • Well so far I love my Fitbit ultra. I track my own heart rate during the workout and in a rested state. I've personally found that the Fitbit program sets a lot of mini goals for each day and each week to help us achieve our goals and have fun doing do. I bought the ultra version and I like it better. For instance I've…
  • Heya, Add me if you want support! I don't have a wealth of information but I can offer words of encouragement and do pay attention to my friends progress within the program :-). I regularly log in to log my progress it would awesome to see other succeed as well. I think accountability helps us stick to our plans and goals!…
  • Welcome, Add me if you want support! I don't have a wealth of information but I can offer words of encouragement and do pay attention to my friends progress within the program :-). I regularly log in to log my progress it would awesome to see other succeed as well. I think accountability helps us stick to our plans and…
  • Heya, Add me if you want support! I don't have a wealth of information but I can offer words of encouragement and do pay attention to my friends progress within the program :-). I regularly log in to log my progress it would awesome to see other succeed as well. I think accountability helps us stick to our plans and goals!…
  • Ty! It's been a long time coming realizing how far I've allowed myself to fall...
  • Aww, guess it lonewolf and cub
  • Umm....well've successfully expanded my vocabulary. "Hey, nice oopmas, loompa :laugh: "
  • Upper Left is Newly sharpen Katana, Middle Left is Fitbit, Lower left is my daughter's Dora the Explorer toy guitar...Dora it is! ¡Vámonos! Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools