

  • :smile: I started it last night! A little sore this morning in the arms, from the push ups but I pretty much kept up with them. I usually quit 1/2 way through a video but since it was only 20 minutes I kept pushing and did it. I cannot wait for the 10th day to see how much better I am at level 1... I have been walking for…
  • I just ordered it and should get it in the mail no later than next Tuesday. I have been watching what I eat and walking for the last 1 1/2 years at that time I weighed 205 lbs. I am 5' 7". Since then I have lost 30 lbs, gained 10 and now lost 6 of that 10. My goal is lose a total of 50 lbs. I have walked in two 5K's in the…
  • I can usually just drink water and snack on 100 calorie snacks...BUT this month was horrible and I gave in and had a Quarter pounder with fries. TASTED SO FREAKING GOOD. I normally would just do a reg. hamburger & take the bun off and get a small fry and throw 1/2 of them away but I had not had that much grease and craved…
  • Skinny Cow clusters are AWESOME!!!! My husband even ate the box that Santa left in my stocking!!!!:happy:
  • 49ers!!!! Let's go!!!!
  • Hotel Room Service---Pit Bull