I was also diagnosed with hypothyroid and on a journey to becoming my healthiest self. A few questions for you: are your TSH levels always in a "normal" range? I've noticed that when my range is normal I have an easier time losing weight (1-2lbs a week, this is fine with me). How much weight do you have to lose? Also check…
I workout at Farrells Extreme Body Shaping- love every grueling minute of it :)
I think that is more dependent on the person. Some people are more apt to getting heartburn/acid reflux if they lay down after eating a meal.
I also work nights, as they may be hard its not impossible to be healthy and still work this shift. I've found for ME to work best is to wake during normal eating hours and eat at normal meal times. I almost always work out at 530 pm and eat dinner afterwards then take a quick nap before an 11pm shift. I also workout 6days…
You can do squats with resistance bands and medicine balls and get the same results, look into that. Also here is a video to show you how to properly deadlift so this is also still an option. Make sure you educate yourself on what types of lifting you are doing,…
Heck yeah!! Congrats! Keep working hard, you're worth it!
I think you need to find out what the clients dr is doing for treatment. Perhaps the dr has something in mind for the curvature. This is a very sensative area because our spinal cord is housed within those vertebrae. I would try heat first then gentle strokes to try to lengthen the area first, with doing this almost…
Nice work! You are exuding confidence! Keep working hard!
:happy: Pack on the protein and carbs. Have a protein shake twice a day. Learn to love carbs. Just because you are trying to gain weight doesnt mean you should eat super fatty foods like ice cream or fast food..
I agree, you should make sure to measure yourself- the scale is a nice thing to see number wise, but so is your waist shrinking. I would suggest changing up your eating habits. Drink a lot of water- at least 80oz. Stay away from caffiene, this only masks your body into thinking you have energy when really all you're doing…