Cinderellis Member


  • Congrats Tina! I toggle back and forth on the scale, but have been tracking everything and netting a calorie deficit each week. I started taking a boxing class last week - felt like a limp rag afterwards. hope to go again tomorrow.
  • I'm still here and logging - no progress on the scale yet, but I'm not giving up! Habits and the rewards take time and what else are we going to do? Have a great day!
  • I have been tracking fairly well. I have usually been under calories of very close! I didn't weigh in today - I am sure I am the same or up a little. my scale is super stubborn. I am starving today! I have been very active this past week and and I notice that usually kicks up my appetite. I am trying to focus on more water…
  • Hey everyone! Logging daily - finally doing well with that. Started exercising more consistently - baby steps and I am starting to feel more on track and in control. Love the feeling that we CAN do this! Hope everyone has a great day and does an activity that they enjoy!
  • still logging - have been MIA as I was out of town to visit my daughter for her baby shower. I caught up on my log for the weekend and am determined to make this week a good one (as soon as I catch up on a little sleep tonight). I will try to go back and get caught up with everyone's posts. Hope all is well and we are…
  • Well - no AM walk (thunderstorms) and no gym in the evening, (family portraits) ,but I did eat better and slept better last night. I am exicted for my 4 day weekend coming up. I tend to eat more when I am withmy Daughter, so my goal is to be mindful of my true hunger / thirst instead of just mindless eating. Hope everyone…
  • Love the 'one day at a time' mantra. I agree that joining this group is helping me with my choces and accountability. I was up at 5:30 to walk my furry kid, but we stepped outside to lightening / thunder :-( Supposed to be 94 today, so she is too old (14 yrs) to be out in the heat. I will look for a gym activity to do…
  • Please add me if you like!! I am excited to have accountability and support. Thank you!
  • I walked my furry kid before work - 1 1/2 miles. Evening plans for some strength training
  • Thank you for sharing some personal stuff - here is my story: I am a 46 yr old Grandma (step-son's boy :-)) and my daughter is ready to have her first baby in late July. My weight has been creeping up since I am hitting some menopause, and because I don't live close to my daughter and wont see the grand-baby too often=…
  • Hey folks - just joined the challenge and the tape measure is at home. Weight is 168.2 Ready for a challenge to lose this last 20#
  • I am in too PLEASE - can you please add me? Thank you!
  • Starting weight (July 16): 164.6 1st week weight (July 23): 162.2 2nd week weight (July 30): 3rd week weight (August 6): 4th week weight (August 13): 5th week weight (August 20): 6th week weight (August 27): Down a little over 2# - great start for me. Everyone looks like they are doing great with the first week. What…
  • Starting weight (July 16): 164.2 1st week weight (July 23): 2nd week weight (July 30): 3rd week weight (August 6): 4th week weight (August 13): 5th week weight (August 20): 6th week weight (August 27): Total Weight Lost: Very excited to join this challenge! I am new to MFP - Can you please tell me how I can easily find…
  • I just started Turbofire this week, but I just did a few of the first workouts. I would like to join you all on this journey. The program seems a little overwhelming to me. I just started the myfitnesspal last week too.
  • I was just reading about this concept in my Turbofire - Power through a plateau. As your body gets into better shape, it will begin to burn more calories. In turn, you may need to increase the calories you eat to maintain your fitness goals and avoid seeing a plateau in your results. In the simplest sense, when your body's…