

  • You might not be able to spot burn fat but a lot of my big belly problem started to look better when I started cardio and basic core exercises. Sure that fat was still there back then but because of my stronger core I had a better posture which made it look a whole lot better. So yeah, maybe give that a try? Matt
  • I'm at 21% and I'd like to be down around 16-18. I look better than that 22% guy.
  • I'm already on my journey so I didn't add you just in case you're only looking for other people who are just starting out but feel free to add me, I'm super motivating :D
  • I've also heard (and been told by the nhs choices c25k program) that finishing the run and building endurance is the most important thing. As long as you keep on jogging you'll pick up speed over time . Keep up the good work :D
  • If it turns up in the post, count me in. Matt
  • As I understand it people on a VLCD who were put on it because they are so overweight have so much fat to lose that their body will readily use it if itdoesn't have enough calories from food. Once you start getting down into a much healthier region your body naturally wants to hold on to some fat "just in case." In short,…
  • You can get low/free from sulphite wines but at a guess it's not the kind of thing you'll find in your local supermarket :) I'm not allergic but it does play havoc with my asthma.
  • Good advice Tadpole, the extra straps sure do help, as will wearing it higher up and not sitting right down on your lower back. Perhaps look into a light hiking backpack as they normally have etxra straps too.
  • I've found any backpack with reasonably padded straps and a mesh back to be more than adequate :)
  • Congrats Anna, the ladybird will be at the end of the tape before you know it :D Personally I've found that I have less success if I don't allow myself the occasional treat and like you i found that having the odd little something doesn't make a difference if you're generally heading in the right direction. Keep up the…
  • I'm on week 5, run 3 on Friday, anyone at a similar place feel free to add me so we can motivate each other :D Matt
  • I'll be on week 5 run 3 on Friday. No extra weight loss because I eat back my exercise calories to maintain a nice even deficit every day. I could barely run for the required minute at the start (I have asthma and was fat, lol) and now I can run for the 8 minutes a time required by my last run and I kept on jogging into…
  • Why does no-one tell you how expensive losing weight will be!? I guess the worst part is needing new clothes but not wanting to buy any because you know in another few months you'll need yet ANOTHER smaller size, lol. Oh and regarding the above: I recently told someone they didn't need to lose any more weight and that they…
  • UK here too. I'm from Great Yarmouth, the **** end of nowhere when it comes to finding people online, haha; add me if you're anywhere near here, I'm super motivating! Matt
  • I'm halfway through the c25k, it gets easier, add me if you want a fellow beginning jogger as a motivation partner :D Matt
  • Agreed, Graze is awesome, shame they don't do the fresh fruit any more though. Just as a heads up, for everyone that signs up through that link I believe ELFwinters will get the option of deducting £1 from their next box or donating £1 to the charity which Graze currently supports (if those codes still work in the same…