Snickers88q Member


  • My go to smoothie is one I found years ago in Prevention Magazine. It's one banana, 1/4 cup yogurt (I use plain greek), 1/4 cup skim milk, 1/2 scoop protein powder, a sprinkling of cinnamon, 4-5 whole frozen strawberries. It makes about 12 oz. of yummy goodness. :happy:
  • I LOVE smoothies! I'd love to join!:smile:
  • I lost a lot in my boobs too, so I went to Victoria's Secret to get re-measured, and she told me I was now a 34C......before I lost the weight I was a 36B, so I asked her, "How can that be?" She said that's the way it works! I thought, well alrighty then!! I got a great push up and the girls looks great! the bra.…
  • I always used to get nauseous after eating eggs. Then I figured it out! It wasn't me at all, but the eggs I was eating! There was a news report not long ago about eggs and how stores don't store them at the proper temperature. It's the salmonella that's making you sick. I started buying farm fresh eggs, and wouldn't you…