pinkydoodles Member


  • i have just done day 3 of level 2. i also do it barefoot, as in the house never thought to put shoes on. my arms are killing me. i want to get to day 16 as then less to go then what have done already. ;)
  • i did level 2 this morning, is day 11 for me so have moved up. I found some bits of level 2 harder but some bits i could do easier . happy shredding xx
  • day 5 done - was talking myself out of doing it as was shattered but decided to do it & pleased i did. it is getting easier & my back is holding out. have proper weights now. i turned the dvd down & played music instead - seemed to make it go faster keep at it ! xx
  • just completed it. oooh theres alot of jumps in it - my back does like that, but i will keep going with it & hope to get better with them. need to get some proper weights tho, as dont think the tins of beans quite cut it..... good luck everyone :)
  • hi i am sarah, i've ordered shred & it should be here tomorrow, so am pleased i have found this group. my ideal goal would be to weigh 139lbs, and i am 5'4ft. am strangely looking forward to starting this :) please feel free to add me as a friend too to keep us motivated good luck everyone x
  • Hi i am new too so feel free to add me. i am wanting to lose 40ish pounds, & get back to my pre-pregnacy (well three children) weight. good luck - am getting addicted to the reading the boards, & now braved posting too :) sarah