lynnee47 Member


  • I totally agree with DanuMarie1, a heart rate monitor works really well as it takes your heart rate into account. The number of calories you burn on a 5k run depends on a number of things, your weight, the speed you run, how your are feeling, whether it is flat or hilly. A HRM will help to assess all this. Be warned though…
  • Hi there I know how you feel about hitting a plateau. I have lost 8 kg since May and although I have been eating under my goal and doing lots of exercise I don't seem to be able to shift any more. I don't eat sweet things now but it was a slog to wean myself off them. If you just stop then after a few weeks you will no…
  • Hi Gimny I live near Ludlow and work opposite De Greys, if that isn't temptation, then what is.