

  • Sounds to me like these people are ones you could do without. Anything you do uses calories so it follows will help you lose weight if you do enough and restrict your calorie intake sensibly. I have just completed the Yorkshire 3 Peaks challenge walk and lost weight without cutting back on my normal eating pattern..... I…
  • I've been very half hearted about losing weight until now. Like you, I think real food is the only way to eat so will be trying to eat sensibly and getting in as much exercise as possible. My biggest downfall is eating "rubbish" - sweets and crisps - so hopefully cutting these out wll show results. Definitely not a fan of…
  • Hi Jaki - I joined this week too. Almost in desperation and have really been impressed this first week. Being able to track my food and exercise as calories is really motivating. My weight has yo-yo ed for years but I am really determined to get rid of the excess this time for good. I have so many reasons to lose this year…
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