Classic65Mustang Member


  • Depending on time of month and recent water intake it really can be water weight. If your not getting enough water your body will hold on to what you do have for dear life. I can easily hold on to 3-4 lbs of water that will just "drop off" when I increase my water intake or get away from certain times of the month. Could…
  • That is great!!!! NSV = Non Scale Victory
  • Depends on the day :wink: Unfortunately this is not my first time at this :sad: I usually start by trying to control portion size and still eat what I would like but over time as I get used to tracking I try to lessen the "crap" food and eat healthier. Every week I try to make one little change - Decrease butter and oils,…
  • I have never had success working out at home. Going to the gym is the ONLY way I seem to be able to do it. When I'm at home I always find excuses. Too cold outside. Too hot outside. Kids are home from school. Neighbors might see me through the windows. :blushing: Not enough room. ETC......... Paying that money each month…
  • I just started using Podrunner website. You can download playlist for whatever beat per minute you run/walk to. They even have some interval stuff if you are doing the c25k. And it is FREE :wink: I found that the steady constant bpm keep me at a more constant pace and motivated to keep going.…
  • Hi! My name is Colleen
  • I love my HRM. I think it is a HUGE help with my workout as I can see how hard I pushed myself that particular day. When I walk into the gym I already know what my target calorie burn for the day is and I try not to leave till I have hit it. Easier said than done on some days. Some days I even use it as my motivation, I…
  • Well I'm down 3 lbs already and hasn't been a week :bigsmile: And I topped this week off with a job offer, Yeah!!! Now I'm going to be in the same boat as everyone else of trying to find time to workout.
  • Vodka and club soda with just a splash of either cranberry or OJ for just a little taste. Club soda is ZERO calories.
  • I started on WW last year after the roll out of the new points plus program and I lost about 20 lbs. I did online only and was doing well but had to drop it due to cost. After dropping WW I did well at first and still managed to lose another 5 pounds only to start gaining it back due to no tracking or accountability. I…
  • I broke my leg about 4 years ago and had to have 2 surgeries on it. Struggling through the pains I get some days due to weather or over-use the day before can be a little overwhelming. It is so much easier to just sit back and kick my leg up than to go to the gym and find alternate workouts that give my leg the day off but…
  • Hello! I am a recent Respiratory Therapist graduate in Georgia. I've been looking for work and sitting around this house has allowed some of the weight I lost last year to find me again. I had lost 25 lbs in 2011 and looks like I have gained back 8 :sad: I'm tired of the yo-yo! I have gained and lost the same weight a…