

  • why does everyone keep typing "bump"? Sounds good, did anyone try it in the oven yet, instead of the microwave?
  • i like logging stuff that I even normally do, this way I can add (or eat) a few extra calories that I didn't even know I had!
  • don't give up. Your body is still tyring to get a grip of your new way of life: healthy eathing and exercise! You need to give yourself at least 4 weeks and if you're being honest with yourself and tracking your "every" morsel you're eating and there still isn't any change, then you should definitely consult a physician!…
  • Does anyone else mix scambled egg whites in with their oatmeal? I told a friend this today and she looked completely disgusted. come on people, make me feel normal again! I don't know if I'm normal enough to say it's normal. but yes I do eat it and I just posted how I make it! [/quote]
  • I don't know if I'm normal enough to say it's normal. but yes I do eat it and I just posted how I make it!
  • I have been doing a lot of eggs and oatmeal I take 3 large egg whites, 1/4 cup of oatmeal and either half a banana or 3/4 cup blueberries and blend them. fill a omelette size skillet and make a pancake. I then top it with sugar free syrup, which is not bad at all! I feel full and it lasts so much longer than a bowl of…