

  • I used it in the gym for the first time last night and came up with exactly the same problem. Had to switch my phone off and back on, then it worked fine. I've not had that problem when using it outside though. Great app though.
  • Two things bother me: People who walk and talk on the treadmill - Run and shut up. If you want to stroll and chat - go walk outside, it's much prettier than staring at a brick wall. And people that bring food into the gym. No Joke! I was in there yesterday and someone brought in a pot noodle. I could smell it and it was…
  • Wow, that is superb. Well done, you're an inspiration.
  • Thanks guys this is brilliant, I like the idea of the 15 minute time out on the app. Gives you time to re-evaluate what I want to eat. Maybe I’ll leave the pizza tonight then.
  • Hi, feel free to add me. I've never done a triathlon before, but I've been roped into the Paris one at the start of July. I'm going to need encouragement and advice, but hopefully be able to offer some back as well.
  • OK, I'll have a look now - I'm Daggers101 on there.
  • HI, I'm new here, but love the Nike+ website so I'm game for a challenge. What did you have in mind?