otiswallymom4 Member


  • I found this definition on another website, I think its helpful. Whole foods are foods that are unprocessed and unrefined, or processed and refined as little as possible before being consumed. Whole foods typically do not contain added ingredients, such as sugar, salt, or fat. All raw fruits and vegetables are whole foods.…
  • No, you are not eating enough. After a look through your diary, here are some suggestions. Start with breakfast, I know it's unappetizing to some people, but... You should get in the habit of consuming nutritious food within and hour of rising. This fuels ques your body to start your engine and gets your metabolism moving.…
  • Running is very tough on your joints, especially if you are overweight. There are lots of other forms of cardio that work as well. I highly recommend walking up hill, this is low impact and get's you in amazing shape. It's most important to move your body. I would wait to run until I had some more of the weight off. I…