

  • Welcome Welcome Welcome!
  • Coconut Manna is the "coconut meat" . I buy Nutiva Coconut Manna, sit the jar in hot water til the manna melts and stir . What happens is the coconut oil separates from the manna when stored at cool temperatures. But once melted it is creamy and delicious!
  • Absolutely! I eat Coconut Manna and cook with Coconut Oil. Delicious and healthy! More energy in the mornings and good digestion system going on!
  • Hi Ashley and welcome aboard! We can do it.....baby steps and greater challenges every day. Get beyond the mindset-I Think I can and Believe with all your might- I Know I Can. This Time We Will Succeed!
  • Hi, I'm Tina. My goal is 100lbs. I started this journey on March 23, 2012. My story is like so many others. So many diets and supplements with some being successful but only for a limited time and then the weight is back along with added baggage! How did I get to this point and what can I do about it? I reached my lowest…