SmartSysta Member


  • OMG! My favorite band in the world back in the day! So sad.
  • Thanks @pie_eyes I appreciate the condolence.
  • Thanks @Lynzdee18 I appreciate your support and I will.
  • Thanks @fairymine I appreciate the support and I will.
  • Thanks @fightingweight155 I appreciate the support.
  • Thank you @Rottified I appreciate your condolence. He was 39, and had small bowel adenocarcinoma. He lasted a year to the date. I am so grateful for the time we spent together. It would have been 21 years in July, 2016.
  • I just returned to MFP, and a 6 month hiatus. I don't do much physical training yet because I'm still recovering from a knee injury, but I still do a power walk daily. This is one of the best forums out today. I've tried several others and nothing compares to the friends, support, and encouragement that you meet on here.…
  • Take a look at your sodium intake. When I began to eliminate table salt and lower my sodium intake, the weight began to move. Sodium is in almost everything we eat, but in higher amounts in prepackaged foods. This is why I stopped eating things that are sealed. Instead, I eat, juice, or blend a variety of fruits and…
  • I drink tons of fruit smoothies, and it is so funny but I noticed that I started to lose weight, lower my blood sugar levels, blood pressure went down, and my hair and nails is finally beginning to grow. Yes, it will take your sugar levels to the moon, but the benefits outweigh that small detail. Keep going, I know I will!!
  • I curbed my sweet cravings by drinking 7-10 fruit smoothies a day. I love sweets and the taste of plain sugar. Unfortunately, this was wrecking havoc on my system so I found a way to do something about it by drinking only fruit smoothies. It took about a week, but everything taste horrible now. My blood sugar levels are…
  • It looks like we have the same goals. I'll be turning 40 in March, and I also have a preschooler, plus a teenager. I want to be able to keep up with at least one of them. LoL!
  • You can add me as well. I'm the person that asks a lot of questions though, so beware. A typical question from me would be: "It takes 30 days of motivation to form a habit," so, what is your habit? Mines is walking every morning in any weather. - SmartSysta
  • Rebooting is awesome, but you must watch the cost. That is what got to me. The organic fruits and vegetables cost 2-3 times more than the pesticide / GMO versions. I nearly went broke trying to keep up, so that's the only downfall to this - unless you have the funds to sustain this kind of cleansing. Good luck - SmartSysta
  • It depends on what you're willing to do since there are so many options, but here are some suggestions: 1. Dieter's Tea: This will clean your colon, but you only should use it for a 10 day period max. 2. Fruit only: This will clean your entire system, but you have to stick to fruits only for a max. of 3-5 days. I used to…
  • PMS doesn't help either. I just drink Green, Peppermint, or Ginseng Tea, and they always do the trick to get rid of it.