dineshkr Member


  • I used to do 10 sets of up and down 3 floors in around 12-15 mins if I try really hard - so I would say its safe to say that 3 sets of up and down is around 4 mins of stair climbing/getting down time. Hope this helps
    in stairs Comment by dineshkr November 2010
  • I guess more than giving up anything its me becoming conscious of "filling-factor vs calories" of different foods that has helped the most - further I feel that I don't have to give up on anything because I know how much it costs in terms of calories and can hence budget the quantity instead. Created by MyFitnessPal.com -…
  • If you wanna lose some pounds in a gradual and healthy manner - this is the place! just the fact that you keep tabs on what/how much you eat and knowing what is enough for you seems to do the trick for me. all the best -dish