hansoel Member


  • Absolutely super --- congratulations -- now how did you do it?
  • I also certainly know how to eat right...but find myself constantly undercutting myself and actually sabotaging any weight loss effort. I wonder at times what my weight is protecting me from (have some ideas but???) --- I am no longer young or looking for a partner/spouse etc. Have had my children and grandchildren and am…
  • Real butter - no question.... try this, Take a small amount of butter and put in one palm, take the same amount of a fake butter and put it in the other palm, close your hands for a few minutes and look and see. The butter is absorbed by your body while the fake butter still sits like a lump of lard (plaque anyone?) Or…
  • I also have more than 100 pounds to loose - and it is not easy. But I can certainly support you and maybe you can support me. We can do this!!!!