

  • My daughter (age 29) started running a year ago and has completed a couple of half marathons and one full..........she lost over 50 lbs and her body has changed in so many ways. She battles endometriosis and PCOS and has had trouble with her weight most of her life. The running has trimmed and toned her whole body. Her…
  • Generic oatmeal with cinnamon and a chopped apple. Chicken on sale can be fixed so many different ways. When I find a package on sale, I divide it into ziplocs and add different marinades: generic Italian dressing, soy sauce, vinegar and garlic (lots of garlic). I sometimes will cut chicken breasts into small pieces and…
  • I don't think there's a wrong way to do this. If you are more comfortable working out by yourself, then do so. If you are more comfortable in a group, then by all means join a group. It's an individual journey and you have to figure out what works for you. I like to work out alone. It's my "me" time. I'm around people all…
  • I am very happy for you..............congrats!!! My daughter has PCOS and endometriosis. Your success gives me hope that she'll make me a grandmother one day.
  • I get up at 0600 and drink at least 2 glasses of water while I get ready and head to work. I eat at work around 0800 and have a snack at 1000 with lunch at 1230. I like getting some of my water intake in early. I'm rarely hungry when I wake up but like knowing I'll have my breakfast while I read thru my emails in the…
  • I love Leslie's program. I just joined MFP last night so today I'll blow the dust off of her dvds. I'll start with the one mile every morning. I can set my alarm 30 min early and get it in before I head to work.
  • After I get the groceries home, I wash/prep all my fruits and veggies. I hardboil eggs and remove the yolks then put them in 5 plastic containers. I portion out 5 1/2 cup servings of ff yogurt, 5 portions of berries, 5 1/2 c portions of oatmeal with a packet of Swiss Miss diet added plus a few walnuts. I fix 5 servings of…
  • I hardboil a bunch of eggs on the weekend, remove the yolk and use the whites for a quick protein thruout the week.